What is possible for an ant?

Redefining Possible

Since the beginning of time, nature has been our greatest teacher. From the discovery of fire and the benefits of herbs, to the study of hives and heards applied to human behavior, to the improbable physics of the bumblebee, understanding and learning from our natural world is a never-ending process of examination, exploration, and discovery. And it is one that will continue to result in scientific breakthroughs, and personal revelations, for as long as there are curious, insightful people to observe it.

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Thankfully Unfamous

It’s a good thing I’m not famous.

At various times in my life, I’ve dreamt of fame. In my teens, I had visions of being a Broadway star – niche fame, I’ll admit. In my twenties, I thought perhaps with the right breaks, I could be a famous musician – a rock star. More recently, I’ll admit that there have been moments where I wondered what life would be like as a famous author and speaker – a far less intelligent (and less interesting) Malcolm Gladwell.

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Grief Unobserved

I was thinking today about grief, and I’m reminded that there are many points of grief in our lives which we fail to recognize. We see the big ones – death of a loved one, severing of a friendship – but the smaller ones go unnoticed. They sting and cut and slowly cause grave injury. They color our worldview and our perspective of others. The big griefs, we face head-on, determined not to let them stop us. The small ones, we ignore, and all too often, they are our undoing.

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The Brilliance of Unconventional Wisdom

The great ones all seem to forge their own path. From the biblical examples of Abraham, Moses, Esther, Ruth, David, and so many others, to the more modern day tales of Thomas Edison, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Mother Teresa, history is littered with great men and women who refused to listen to skeptics. The louder the voices telling them not to do something, the more resolve they had.

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10 Pictures (Almost) Everyone Takes In Africa

Even people who know nothing about Africa still know that it’s a veritable treasure trove of pictures. It’s a continent full of exotic plants, exotic animals, and even exotic people. From the densely populated urban centers to the open plains, from north to south, east to west, and coast to coast, tourists flock to Africa, cameras in tow. Here are ten pictures that (almost) everyone takes in Africa.

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An Argumentative Advantage

Those who know me best are well aware that I don’t shy away from conflict. Though I don’t seek out arguments, I’m not put off by them, and I don’t back away from them. In fact, I think sometimes arguments and disagreements are some of the most healthy conversations we can have. They make us better. They give us new perspective. If we’re truly listening and engaging in the conversation, they can persuade us to change our minds, or they can help us solidify our point of view.

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