What is possible for an ant?

Redefining Possible

Since the beginning of time, nature has been our greatest teacher. From the discovery of fire and the benefits of herbs, to the study of hives and heards applied to human behavior, to the improbable physics of the bumblebee, understanding and learning from our natural world is a never-ending process of examination, exploration, and discovery. And it is one that will continue to result in scientific breakthroughs, and personal revelations, for as long as there are curious, insightful people to observe it.

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Thankfully Unfamous

It’s a good thing I’m not famous.

At various times in my life, I’ve dreamt of fame. In my teens, I had visions of being a Broadway star – niche fame, I’ll admit. In my twenties, I thought perhaps with the right breaks, I could be a famous musician – a rock star. More recently, I’ll admit that there have been moments where I wondered what life would be like as a famous author and speaker – a far less intelligent (and less interesting) Malcolm Gladwell.

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Before You Go On That Trip To Africa

I get it. “Africa” is mysterious and enticing to those who have never been there – who have only viewed the continent (yes, it is a continent, not a country) through sensationalized narratives written by television and movie producers. And of course, there are certain eccentricities to be found, just as there are in any geographical region, among any culture – yes, even (or especially) American culture.

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The Power of Peddling Fear

A Powerful Motivator

It has been said that fear is a powerful motivator. Certainly, when it comes to feats of superhuman strength and acts of bravery, the adrenaline and endorphins pumping through our system are most readily driven by fear. In a normal situation, I probably wouldn’t say anything at all to a wild-eyed guy with a knife, but if he puts that knife to my throat or to the throat of someone I love, I’ll be compelled to say something and/or to do something to eliminate that threat.

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Same Demon, Different Name

Tribalistic Triumph

Last week, I watched as my friends in Kenya went to the ballot box, then waited anxiously for the results. I watched as the vote broke largely along tribal lines, as it always has. And in the fray, some of the brightest candidates – candidates who refused to play tribal politics – were unable to garner enough votes to triumph.

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First Day Back

The first day back is a momentous occasion. It’s a time when we reflect on our break, reminisce on our past engagement, and often apologize for our absence. Whether it’s coming back to work after a much-deserved vacation, returning to church after football season (come on), or jumping back onto your blog after a year (*raises hand), the first day back offers both a fresh start and a reminder that there is no such thing.

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